Frequently Asked Questions

Questions are free - (so is creating latershares)

Please ask (via e-mail to the contact address on the left), then we can answer

Our main goal is to enrich communication between people and to make certain communication situations more efficient. In short: we want less e-mails and meetings and more fairness and originality.

As communication experts, we are interested in adding to the already available modes of communication and concepts, to see if this new way can be established.

We want to run this online communication service long-term and establish a freemium business model behind it. The service will remain free of cost for private persons and basic use cases in businesses. An additional feature packet will soon be available for businesses, which will cost a few Euros per month.

Hmm. Through observation of business and life, email load, meeting chit chat, blog entries about efficiency and "slow time communication types", working in virtual teams, Dilbert cartoon lessons, and finally, a long car trip, during which the concept was born.

Jens Hoppe, entrepreneur (CONTENS, latershare, and others) and communication scientist (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, M.A. in 2000)
Jens Hoppe
and some specialists, especially for CSS, Javascript & translations.

Not yet, but it’s in planning. There are many more use cases that are possible when clients can use latershare with a mobile phone. We are planning an Angular-based progressive web app later this year.

On most of the information pages, there is a button called ‘Feedback’. When you click on it, you can offer your ideas and comments on improvement in the pop-up. You can also go directly to the feedback page. For feedback management, we are using the feedback system Uservoice.

We are looking forward to your input on how we can improve this web service.

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